What Is The Table Saw Snipe For When You Are Ripping Things To Know?

Are you able to identify the reasons why table saw snipe when ripping is occurring and how to stop it?

A table saw snipe is a problem that can occur when ripping boards on a table saw. Sometimes the board may pull away from the blade and cause uneven cuts. This can be prevented in several ways. We will talk about some of them in this article.

These are just a few reasons why a tablesaw might be hesitant to rip boards.

The Fence Is Not Aligned Properly:

The fence may not be aligned correctly and cause the board to move towards its back as the blade is being cut. You will get a snipe.

The Blade Is Not Sharp:

A dull blade will not cut wood evenly and can lead to snipe.

The Sawdust Build-up:

If there is a lot of sawdust build-up on the table saw or in the blade housing, this can also cause snipe.

How To Prevent Table Saw Snipe:

There are many ways to stop table saw snipe happening.

Adjusting The Fence:

Make sure that the fence is aligned properly and that it is contacting the board at all points along the blade.

Adding Featherboards:

A featherboard is a device that helps keep the board against the fence, preventing it from moving forward.

Using Push Sticks:

A push stick is a small, flexible board that allows you to push the stock through the saw without putting your hands too close to it.

Make Sure The Wood Is Flat:

Use a jointer/planer to flatten boards before you rip them on the tablesaw. (Learn about How to prevent kickback on a table saw)

How To Fix Table Saw Snipe When Ripping:

Here are some steps to fix the snipe in your table saw:

1. Make sure that the fence is parallel to the blade. If its not, adjust it until it is.

2. You must ensure that the blade is the right height. This can be done by checking the markings at the top of the saw table that adjust the height.

3. Check that the blade is sharp. Sharp blades will produce more snipes that dull blades.

4. When ripping wood, use a pushstick. This will help keep your hands away from the blade and reduce the chance of injury.

5. Try using a different type of wood. Some woods are more prone to snipe than others.

6. Instead of cutting larger pieces of wood, cut smaller ones. This will reduce the number of snipes.

7. Make sure that the wood is properly supported when youre ripping it. This will prevent the wood from twisting or snipping.

8. Try a different type of saw blade if all else fails. You might be able to reduce or eliminate snipes by using a different blade.

These tips should help you fix your table saw snipe and allow you to rip wood easily!

Safety Tips:

Here are some safety tips to follow when the table saw snipe when ripping:

  • Before you cut the wood, make sure it is secured properly.
  • Keep your hands and fingers away from the blade at all times.
  • To guide the wood through your blade, use a pushstick.
  • When ripping, be aware of the direction you are cutting and ensure that your back is not in contact with the table saw.
  • When using a tablesaw, always wear safety glasses

Following these tips will help keep you safe while using a table saw, and will help reduce the risk of injury. (Learn about How to use a table saw safely)


Ive shown you how the table saw snipe happens and what you can do to minimize it. Now its up to you to put this information into practice when ripping boards on your table saw. Be patient, take your time, and always use a push stick whenever possible.

With a little bit of practice, you should be able to rip boards like a pro without any unsightly snipe marks marring the finished product. We appreciate you following us along on our journey through the world table saw snipe.


Q. What Causes Table Saw Snipe

A: Table saw snipes can be caused by a variety of factors, such as the type of blade used, the thickness and alignment of the blade.

Q: How Can I Reduce Or Eliminate Table Saw Snipe?

A: There are several ways to reduce or eliminate table saw snipe, including using a higher quality blade, adjusting the alignment of the blade, and using a push stick.

Q: What Happens If I Do Not Reduce Or Eliminate Table Saw Snipe?

A: You may have decreased accuracy and precision in cutting wood if you don’t reduce or eliminate the table saw snipe. Follow the safety tips listed above to help reduce or eliminate table saw snipes. Learn more about why my table saw blade is causing wood to burn.