What Is The Difference Between A Band Saw And A Scroll Saw?

Scroll saws as well as band saws can be used to create curves in wood. They each have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, so which one is right for you? We will be discussing the pros and cons of each tool in this article so that you can choose which one is right for you.

What’s The Difference Between Band Saw & Scroll Saw?

Scroll Saw

A scroll saw, a small tabletop saw that has a narrow blade with a small worktable, is called a tabletop scroll saw. You can either power the tool with an electric motor or you can use it on its own. This allows for portable operation. Scroll saws can be used to create intricate patterns and curves in wood.


  • You can make intricate cuts with portable, inexpensive power options (electricity and battery).


  • It is difficult to cut straight in long wood pieces with a small blade

Band Saw

With a band saw, the cutting element is a thin steel band with sharp teeth. The blade is quick and can make straight and curved cuts. The size of a band saws blade is not limited, so this tool is able to use larger blades than a scroll saw.


  • Band saws can cut through thicker pieces of wood faster than scroll saws. This makes them great for projects that involve solid lumber.
  • The size of the blade also allows band saw users to make very straight cuts. They are also more cost-effective for the average woodworker.


  • Band saws are difficult to transport and set-up, and can also be noisy when used.

Band Saw Vs Scroll Saw Which One Is Right For You?

Both tools offer distinct advantages over the other, but neither one is best suited for every single woodworking task. Scroll saws are a great choice if you only need to make a few cuts in sheet goods, but a band saw would be better for large, solid projects. The scroll saw is faster than a bandsaw if you need to cut complex curves or intricate patterns. Both tools can be carried around, but they aren’t as portable as handsaws. If you want the most versatility from your woodworking tools, then adding both of these machines to your workshop would be ideal.

What Do Scroll And Band Saws Do?

Both saws have a thin blade, which is powered by either an electric motor or a hand-powered motor. The scroll saw blade is thinner than the band saw. This allows for smaller cuts. The scroll saw blades are circular and move in a continuous motion. Band saw blades, on the other hand, move flat (up and down). Scroll saws have a flat, stiff table on which to place the wood. Band saws can see more of the blade while scroll saws are able to see it better.

While scroll saw blades move in a circular motion, band saw blades move up or down (flat). Band saws have a stiff flat table on which the wood is placed, whereas scroll saws have a much lower table where more of the blade can be seen.

If you already own a scroll saw and are looking to purchase your first band saw, there are some things to consider. Scroll saw blades tend to be thinner than band saw blades. This means they are not able to cut through thicker materials. But on the other hand, band saws cut much wider curves and make more precise cuts.

You can’t use a bandsaw for cutting wood smaller than you could with a scroll saw. Another difference is that band saws have a stiff flat table on which the wood is placed, whereas scroll saws have a much lower table where more of the blade can be seen. Scroll saws are generally cheaper than comparably sized band saws.

The main difference between the two tools lies in how scroll saw blades rotate in a continuous circular motion while band saw blades turn up and down (flat). Bandsaws have less vibration due to this setup because there is no continuous motion of the blade.

What’s The Difference Between A Scroll And A Band Saw?

Both tools have their strengths and weaknesses. However, a bandsaw is more versatile than a scrollsaw. Bandsaws can cut thicker wood and curves. Although bandsaws can be used to make relatively narrow cuts, they are better suited for making large straight cuts than a scroll saw.

The blades of bandsaws are quieter than scroll ones, and your fingers will not be broken if they get in the way. There is less vibration due to the additional stability over a scroll saw blade, which allows for faster cutting. In addition, band saws can cut through much larger materials than scroll saws.

There are some things you should consider if you have a scroll saw already and want to buy your first bandsaw. The blades of a scroll saw are usually thinner than those of a band saw, so they won’t be able to cut through thicker materials. Band saws can cut more precisely and have wider curves. This means that you cant always use a bandsaw to cut a piece of wood down to a smaller size than would be possible with a scroll saw.

Another difference is that band saws have a stiff flat table on which the wood is placed, whereas scroll saws have a much lower table where more of the blade can be seen. Scroll saws are usually cheaper than comparable-sized band saws. The biggest difference between the two tools is that scroll saw blades move in a continuous circular motion, while band saw blades move up and down (flat). Bandsaws have less vibration due to this setup because there is no continuous motion of the blade.

Which Tool Do You Prefer, The Scroll Saw Or The Band Saw?

Both tools have their strengths and weaknesses. However, a scroll saw is more versatile than a bandsaw. They can often cut wider curves and thicker pieces of wood. Although bandsaws can be used to make relatively narrow cuts, they are better at making straight cuts than a scroll saw. Bandsaws are quieter than scroll sees and will not cause injury if your fingers get in the blade’s way.

There is less vibration due to the additional stability over a scroll saw blade, which allows for faster cutting. Band saws are able to cut through larger materials than scroll sees.


A band saw is a great choice for larger, bulkier pieces of wood that need to be cut. If you dont have a lot of experience with woodworking or are working on a smaller project, a scroll saw is the better option. Both tools have their own advantages and disadvantages, so its important to consider what you will be using the tool for before making your purchase!