Why Does My Chain Saw Kick

Here are some reasons why your chain saw might be kicking back:

1. The wrong chain is not the right one for the job

You might be wondering, Why does my chain saw kick? One reason could be that you are not using the right chain for the job. For example, if youre cutting hardwood, youll need a different chain than if youre cutting pine. Make sure to read your chain saws manual to determine which chain is best for the task at hand.

2. Chain is too tight or too loose:

Your chain should not be too tight. This will cause the engine to work harder and could lead to a chain saw that kicks back. Your chain might slip off the track, or the blade may wobble. This can lead to kickback.

3. Too short or too long for the guide bar:

The guide bar is where the chain passes over. If its too short, the chain will be moving too quickly and can cause the saw to kickback. A blade that is too long can cause kickback and make it less efficient.

4. Saw cannot be adjusted properly:

If your saw isnt properly adjusted, it might not cut evenly, which can cause the chain to bind and lead to kickback. You can adjust your saw by turning the adjustment screws on the side of the tool.

5. You are using an incorrect cutting technique

You can use a variety of cutting techniques when using a chainsaw. Some are more dangerous than others. For example, if you try to cut too much at once, you might not be able to control the saw properly and it could lead to kickback.

6. You are not properly maintaining your chainsaw:

The chain may become dull and ineffective if it is not maintained properly. This will make it harder for the chain to cut through the wood, which can cause the saw to kickback. Keep your chain clean and free from sap and dirt.

How Can You Prevent Chain Saws From Kicking:

These are the steps to stop chain saws from kicking.

1. You must ensure that your chain saw blade is well-sharpened. A dull chain saw blade will cause the saw to bind and kick back more easily.

2. Do not force the cut. Never force the cut.

3. Keep your hands and fingers clear of the blade path.

4. Use a sturdy tree stand when felling trees. Tree stands will protect you from possible kickbacks.

5. Be aware of your surroundings. Do not cut or touch animals or people.

6. Stay alert and focused when using a chain saw. If you are tired or feeling ill, take a break before continuing to use the saw.

Safety Tips

Here are some safety tips when using a chain saw:

1. Always wear protective gear, such as goggles, gloves, and a hard hat.

2. Make sure the chain saw is properly maintained before using it.

3. Do not overreach when using the chain saw.

4. Be aware of your surroundings when using the chain saw.

5. Never cut above shoulder height.

6. Remember to be careful when operating a chainsaw.


How Can I Fix It?

There are a few things you can do to fix a chain saw thats kicking. First, make sure the chain is tightened properly. If this fails, adjust the idle speed. If all else fails take your chain saw to a professional for repair.

Why Does The Blade Get Caught On The Wood?

There are a few reasons why the blade might be getting caught on the wood. One possibility is that the chain is too tight. The chain may be too tight and need to be re-sharpened. Finally, if the wood is wet, it can cause the blade to get stuck.

What Can I Do To Reduce The Amount Of Kickback?

You can reduce kickback by doing a few simple things. Make sure your chain saw is well maintained. Second, always cut with the grain of the wood. Third, don’t try to force the saw through the wood. Finally, be aware of your surroundings and stay away from objects.


Because of the torque it generates, the chain saw kicks. This torque is essential to cut through wood but can be dangerous if you aren’t prepared.